Crown Toyota

Swickard Auto Group
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Jan 5, 2024

As the snowflakes start to fly and the temperature dips, many drivers start feeling a chill down their spines – not just from the cold, but from the thought of icy roads and treacherous commutes. But fear not, Crown Toyota friends! With a little winter wisdom and your trusty Toyota by your side, you can navigate the snowy season with confidence and grace.

Prep Your Toyota for Peak Performance:

  • Boot Up: Swap those summer tires for winter tires – it’s a game-changer on slick roads. Winter tires have deeper treads and softer rubber, giving you better traction and braking power.
  • Fluid Check: Make sure your antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, and engine oil are topped up and winter-ready. Don’t let a frozen radiator leave you stranded!
  • Battery Boost: Cold weather can zap your battery’s life. Get it checked and consider a replacement if it’s nearing the end of its lifespan.

Driving in the Deep Freeze:

  • Take it Slow: Icy roads demand caution. Keep your speeds down, avoid sudden braking, and take corners with deliberate smoothness. Remember, slow and steady wins the winter race!
  • Increase Your Following Distance: Double your usual following distance to give yourself ample time to react to slower or unpredictable drivers.
  • Brake with Gentle Pressure: Forget slamming on the brakes! Apply steady, firm pressure to avoid locking up your wheels and skidding.
  • Beware of Black Ice: These invisible patches of ice can lurk in shaded areas. Be extra cautious on bridges, overpasses, and shaded roads.

Embrace Your Toyota’s Tech Tools:

  • Toyota Safety Sense (TSS): Your guardian angel on wheels! Features like pre-collision warning and lane departure alert can help you avoid potential hazards.
  • Traction Control and Stability Control: These electronic nannies can help keep your car stable and in control when the road gets slippery.
  • All-Wheel Drive (AWD): If your Toyota boasts AWD, take advantage of its extra grip and confidence-boosting capabilities.

Bonus Winter Wisdom:

  • Pack an emergency kit for unexpected situations, including a warm blanket, flares, jumper cables, and a non-perishable snack.
  • Clear all snow and ice from your windows, roof, and headlights before hitting the road.
  • Keep your phone charged and readily accessible in case of emergencies.

Remember, Crown Toyota is always here to help you prepare for winter driving. Stop by for a winterization check, top up your fluids, and get expert advice from our friendly service team.

So, this winter, don’t let the snow and ice dampen your spirits. With your winterized Toyota and these handy tips, you can navigate the roads with confidence and enjoy the beauty of the season. Happy and safe driving from Crown Toyota!